27 January 2020

Jerrold Nadler Drops Dead

When Representative Elijah Cummings was in the House lying about President Trump I remember sending Cumming a thought. My thought to Rep. Cummings was, "I think you must disassociate; time to die."

And then, the Evil Cummings died.

I have been thinking lately about Representative Jerrold Nadler. Nadler has been lying about President Trump for many months.

About the Evil Nadler I have been thinking, "I think you must disassociate; time to die."

This is the thought I am sending to Rep. Nadler.

However, for you, as well as for me, it is Time To Wait.

23 January 2020

An Example of Democrat Intellect

Every Republican I know is smarter than every Democrat I know; if, of course, this is a prime example of the Deluded Democrat.

06 December 2019

ISIS attacks the US again

ISIS penetrates the Naval Air Station at Pensacola, FL.

On 11 September 2001 the US Home Defence was penetrated by Arab terrorists; the Twin Towers in Manhattan was the al Qaeda success story of the day.

On 6 December 2019 the Naval Air Station was penetrated by an Arab terrorist; US citizens were shot in an area where carrying guns is prohibited.